
Saturday, 11 February 2012

Adding a Jigsaw to wiki and blog

A great way to start off and introduce your wiki/blog at the beginning of the year is to add a jigsaw using photos of your students or places around the school. Jigzone allows you to upload your own photos and embed jigsaws.

Get a Calendar Widget for your blog or wiki

Add a calendar widget to your blog or wiki by going to
and search for your country. New Zealand calendars are found here.
or how about weather widgets

Thursday, 9 February 2012

A great way to start students off with an online presence is to create an avatar and add it to your wiki or website front page at the beginning of the year, such as in these examples.

One of the teachers I worked with today wanted to use  Build Your Wildself

Students can create their own "Wildself'. To save it as a picture file you can either do a screen capture on a Mac or Windows using Prt Scn...or Click 'I'm done'  then click on Get a Wild Desktop. Do a right click on the next screen and select Save as...
  Create a table on your web site or wiki and insert all of the avatars. Later on in the year you might link each child's avatar to their own online page.
Click here to see different types of avatars that your students can make.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Five things I would want my teacher to know about me

Shaun Wood sent me this challenge which was first started by Allanah King. It is a worthwhile challenge to do with our students because it will make them think about how they learn

5 things I would want my teacher to know about me
  1. I like art, I am visual... if you talk at me you will see me doodling in my books
  2. I can listen to you and do other things at the same time
  3. I don't like to sit for long periods of time, I need to move and I do fidget
  4. If you are telling me something I already know then I will get bored and will look for something else to do
  5. I like open challenges, pose a problem and let me choose how to solve it
 I challenge @dbeehre, @krivett1, @llaburn, @lindalehrke, @KseniaNZ to do this challenge