
Monday 12 May 2008

Computer skills and writing

I was talking to some teachers today about how to bring in computer skills while teaching writing.

  • Keep your laptop or computer close by to your whiteboard where you are modelling writing
  • when you are talking about capital letters, ask "How do you make a capital letter using the computer?" (Shift and opposite hand for the letter)
  • "What fingers do I use to make a full stop?" (ring finger on right hand)
  • "How do you make a space?" (one press on the space bar with your thumb)
  • whatever your teaching point is in writing think about how the children would need to do it in a word processor and make that a computer teaching point i.e. "What is a synonym for the word 'nice'?" (right click on the word and select synonyms in the sub menu)

Remember 'Whatever your teaching point is in Writing could also be a computer skills teaching point!'

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