
Tuesday 1 July 2008

Planning, linking, websites and Interactive Whiteboards

With Interactive Whiteboards comes a huge amount of activities already created for you. Plus there are all the other activities that are teacher made in Kidspiration, Inspiration, Word, PowerPoint etc. And then I see that teachers have found all these wonderful websites but are not fully utilising them to their full potential. How can we manage all these websites and activities we may have stored on our computers?
Answer: Incorporate it into your planning. Hyperlink the activities, websites, or teaching resources into your planning and launch the sites from there. This is a perfect way of managing all of these links and it is all in one place plus you are able to see what resources you are mainly using. In this example I have colour coded the activities, red for Flip charts, orange for PowerPoint, green for Inspiration, blue for websites and black for book work.See my new blog dedicated to mimios and IWB


  1. I use a class delicious account so all the links can be accessed from the smartboard and from all the pcs. I just save the delicious webpage for the class account as a favourite on each computer and that is the only thing we need in the favourites list. Works well for me. Means the kids can also take the web address home and use all the sites from there too - home/school link.

  2. Yes Marnie the class delicious account is a good idea and I am gradually getting my teachers on board with that one too. The timetable idea is for teachers that need to show that they are using ICT,how and when in their planning. So this makes it easier for them to know what they are going to be using and when; so they can click on it and access it straight away without having to search through favourites or folders on their computers when they are teaching.

  3. Dear Math Enthusiast,
    Hi. I am a Middle School Math teacher. I spent the summer making a website geared directly for grades 1-8. I want students to have a site where they can practice their math skills while still having fun. I have personally made most of the games.
    If you have a place on your website to put a link, please do so. My site is located at:
    Feel free to email me back with a link or a suggestion.
    Thank you,
    Michael Edlavitch
