
Sunday 14 September 2008

Proofreading and Interactive Whiteboards

  • Choose a student's story that has been drafted on the computer and use that as a proof reading model at the beginning or end of a writing session
  • Have the whole class or maybe a targeted group discuss what changes need to be made and let the children take charge of the proofreading
  • use an example of drafted writing as a proofreading activity to be completed while waiting to conference (several children can be working on this activity at one time)
  • have a child drafting using the IWB instead of in their books
  • have two children drafting on the IWB creating a collaborative story, print out and they can proofread, edit and publish on their own
  • use the IWB as one of the activities on your developmental circuit
See my new blog dedicated to mimios and IWB

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