
Friday 23 January 2009

Issuu: Create your own magazine or book or...

Create your own free publications in Issuu. Upload a PDF, PowerPoint, Word documents, or anything else with this file extension PDF, DOC, PPT, ODT, WPD, SXW, RTF, ODP, and SXI. There is a wide range of formats that you can select like book, presentation, magazine, newspaper, report, journal, portfolio, essay and manual.

Issuu can be embedded as a small book as seen below and to be seen full screen click on a page which will open up full screen in Issuu. Or you can embed as a larger document (go to Customise).
When you read the publications you can zoom in and zoom out.
Documents can be printed out.

It has a child safe option when you are publishing, so if people are publishing content that is not appropriate for children they can select No (not child-safe) to protect children.

How could this be used in the classroom?
Children can publish their own work; a book with their own stories, the class newspaper, present their research. Teachers could use it to publish whole units of work that can then be embedded in the planning page of the school wiki. There are so many ways that this application can be used.

R rating: None that I could find

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