
Saturday 25 July 2009

Bookmarks, Interactive Learning Centres and Delicious

In past blog posts I have talked about Interactive Learning Centres and bookmarks in Delicious. Teachers have embraced this management method of directing students to certain websites. This is a great idea and works well as long as the links are directly linked to a specific activity that is supporting the teaching and learning.
Ways to use Delicious
  • make it the home page on your class computers
  • make bundles of your reading groups and math groups (See page 7 of How create a Delicious Account)
  • directly link to the activity rather than the page that might have several links on it
  • send the link to your Delicious page home on your school or class newsletter
  • when Parents ask you what are suitable sites for their child to access, give them the Delicious link
  • when you start a new topic make sure that you have a tag or a bundle for it so that students can access these links at home
  • make a bundle that is specifically child friendly games (check them out to make sure they are not full of inappropriate advertising)
  • set student homework using Delicious Links
  • keep your bundles well organised and your tags clear
  • ensure that you have a Spelling bundle with spelling and grammatical tags (very useful when homework has not been set, but students can use these for practice at home and at school)
I have been asked by some teachers whether they should just have a wiki and not Delicious. I suggest that you have both. The wiki is more current and should show the posts, games, activities, discussions that are happening at the moment. The Delicious page is more historic as it shows all the links you have covered in the year and is a great resource for children to use quickly and easily.

Ways to use Interactive Learning Centres (ILC)
  • create pages that are group/curriculum specific (Reading or Math Groups names)
  • directly link to the activity rather than the page that might have several links on it
  • use PowerPoint or Keynote to create ILCs (later versions allow you save as PDF files which means you can play them on any machine irrespective of Platform or Version of software)
  • if you have special needs children create an ILC that is specific to their need and level
  • create teaching lessons using ILC, make them in PowerPoint and then copy or import into Interactive Whiteboard software. Hyperlink to the Internet or games and activities that you have made in PowerPoint, Word, Pages, Keynote, KidPix, Inspiration or Kidspiration
The slideshow below is an example of how you could make a Maths ILC. One page shows games that are strand specific and two pages show 2 different Maths groups and the activities that they are doing related to what is being taught at the moment.

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