
Monday 12 April 2010

Tagxedo 'Word Cloud'

Thanks to Technololgy Bits, Bytes and Nibbles blog post and the writer @cyndidannerkuhn who posted it on twitter, I came across a new player in the 'Word Cloud' arena Tagxedo

There are a lot of choices with this Tag Cloud generator.

You have wide range of colours to choose from, interesting fonts (this example is called John Lennon).

Best of all, there is a variety of shapes or you can create your own word shape.
 There are huge opportunities for this feature to be used in education.
The word shape could be
  • main theme or idea in book
  • main theme of a poem
  • the title of an essay/story
  • main idea of story
  • the focus of a science, history, social studies study
This was a blog post I wrote about Wordle in June 2008, all activities can be completed in Tagxedo
This link are some of the sites I have found on Wordle or other Word clouds. This site (46 Interesting Ways to use Wordle in the classroom) by Tom Barrett is a collaborative Google Doc that anybody can add to with their ideas of how they are using Wordle.
Like Wordle you can save a jpeg or a png for printing out or inserting into blogs or wikis. But I'm looking forward to when you can embed an Interactive version called Tagxedo player like the example here on the Tagxedo site (Scroll down to the last example to see the Word Cloud dance).

Here is a great slideshow 101 ways to use Tagxedo by Hardy Leung

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