
Sunday 12 June 2011

Kids and Blogs

I was working with Cheryl (@cjmcleod) yesterday and she was talking to me about her year 4 students and blogging. She was disappointed with the quality and standard of blogging and comments from the children. We had a look at the Kids Blog page on our e-Learning wiki and saw that Shaun (@mrwoodnz) had updated the page with lots of useful information.
We came to the conclusion that blogging and commenting needs to be modelled and talked about. So first steps are to look at the Kids and Comments slideshow I had made last year and have now updated.
Cheryl is going to use this as a starting point, she will embed it into her wiki so that students will always be able to refer to it.

Shaun has added a blogging rubric created by Kim Cofino

Cheryl and I decided that we need to adapt this one for younger students and add a comments row as well.

Cheryl is going to use the class blog posts so far and assess them against the rubric in a class session. They will also use the Kids Comments and Posts slideshow to discuss what makes a great blog post.
So let's wait and see, we will be looking forward to great future blog posts from Cheryl's classroom.

@MsLaidler posted on Twitter a link to another page of Kim Cofino. This one has a very useful resource called 'Student Blogging Guidelines'.

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