
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Observations Week 6 Clevedon

Rebbecca's students are working well with the Digital Toolkit and enjoy making their own choices about how they present their work. A particular favourite is Pic Collage

Some of the other  tools they have used are
  • Kerpoof
  • Pages
  • Comic Life
  • one child has downloaded  Instacollage and uses that (I like the way students are finding apps that work for them)
Rachael had set several tasks using Google Docs today. I suggested setting up an 'Expectations' chart with the tasks so that the students would know what they were going to have to do next. She added this to her wiki along with the success criteria.
We showed the students how they could add a shortcut to the class wiki by bookmarking on the iPad home page.

Rachael's students did a journal play in a different way today. They went outside and went over it twice, and then they made a Puppet Pals movie with all 7 children participating by reading their parts. One of the students had only one line to say in the play so she made the characters move when the students read their parts. They came back in and shared through the Apple TV. The rest of the class thoroughly enjoyed the play. The children said their learning from that activity was that they could hear that they needed to add more expression to their voices and they needed to speak loudly and fluently.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of using puppetpals with journal plays, can't wait to try it next week!
