About Me


http://www.jsharp.co.nz Main website information about courses and resources

http://sharpjacqui.blogspot.com ICT Teaching and Learning (integration of ICT into curriculum areas)

http://jacquisharp.blogspot.com Web2.0 and Education (Web2.0 tools that can be used in Education)

http://jacquiscourses.blogspot.com Course Support Blog

http://mimioiwb.blogspot.com/ Interactive Whiteboards and mimios

http://ipodsiphonesineducation.wikispaces.com/ How to use iPhones & iPods in the classroom

http://wheretostartwithwikisandblogs.wikispaces.com/ help with wikis and blogs

http://delicious.com/sharpjacqui Delicious website bookmarks

http://schoolsandmacs.blogspot.com/ Hints and tips for Mac users

http://writingandpublishing.wikispaces.com/ Example of how to use a wiki to teach in a computer lab (Literacy)

http://powerpointcanbegreat.wikispaces.com/ How you can make PowerPoints great

http://365daysharpjacqui.blogspot.com/ A blog about a photo a day
http://ictprofessionaldevelopment.wikispaces.com/ The 21st Century Classroom
http://puttheeinlearning.wikispaces.com/ Put the e in e-learning, half day professional development wiki
http://teacheraidesandcomputers.wikispaces.com/ Teacher aides and computers
http://childrenasresearchers.wikispaces.com/ Children as Researchers (still under construction)
http://literacyandict.wikispaces.com Literacy and e-Learning

http://mathsandelearning.wikispaces.com Maths and e-Learning (under construction)

http://www.delicious.com/sharpjacqui Delicious bookmarks
http://www.slideshare.net/sharpjacqui Slideshare presentations

http://interactiveboardsandelearning.wikispaces.com/ Using Interactive Whiteboards in the classroom(under construction)

@sharpjacqui Twitter name

sharpjacqui Skype name

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