Volume session went well with most children doing well
Some had to stay back for the Volume workshop and they worked well in a peer teaching session.
Teachers that were visiting were impressed with how 'on task' the children were, and how engaged in their learning.
Later I got the 'Year 4' expert in Digital Lego to demonstrate to other
Everyday I show a new example of how to publish in an interesting way. Today was 'Journal Page' which is where you have several pictures covering one page and text is placed on top. I will have some student examples of those tomorrow. Here is a Comic Slideshow example created by one student

and one created in Comic Life!

Jacqui, thanks so much for posting your adventures. I've just read all about them. I'll be pointing my teacher's in the direction of your blog to give them a little more inspiration as they receive their new data projectors and mimios next term :)
Thanks Angela, glad you found it useful. Over the next week I am going to post curriculum area breakdowns of what happened in more detail!
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